Another year gone by…

I had the privilege of doing another family session with my brother and his little family. I hadn’t gotten to do many photos with them this year we finally managed to squeeze in another family session to update the photos from last year.

You can see photos as they are finished under the Family tab.
They are the Family: Silliman, D&B

Here is a photo of them all together last year:
IMG_2423 (2)And, of course, a family photo for this year:
006 1My, how they’ve changed! They all look amazing! I love being able to document the growth these families do, from growth of individuals within the family, to the growth in members of the family. I hope to document much more growth in this family as the years continue to fly by.

Our New Dog: Dixie

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Dixie on her bed

So gentle, even the little kids can take her for a walk!

So gentle, even the little kids can take her for a walk!


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Dixie is an 8 year old black Labrador Retriever, and is absolutely wonderful! She arrived at our home last night, and has only given a single bark ONCE! She’s been super quiet, looks like she’s smiling all the time, LOVES all the attention she gets from the kids, and enjoys exploring her new domain. She knows who is in charge in the house. After her walk this morning she went right over to my mom and laid down at her feet. She wags her tail a lot, being so happy in her new home.

She comes, sits, shakes, and stays on command.

Dixie has some medical tape on one leg because she’d been attacked by a dog at her old home. The other dog had attacked her in the past because of being very dominant, and Dixie only finally fought back last night. Her owners decided they’d had enough and needed to find someplace better for dear Dixie.

So, we got the most loveable, huggable, wonderful girl in the world, for free! Because her previous owners knew she needed something better. And what a great fit she’s been thus far!

Photos are property of Sarah’s Scenes, Real life Photographer.

Sisters and Best Friends


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_MG_9416 2We were getting ready to go to a local parade, and had a few minutes before we had to leave. The little girls were looking so cute, and sitting next to each other just hanging out in front of the house. So, of course, I had to take a few photos!

These girls are best friends! The older one hardly spoke till she was 3 1/2 years old, and then she realized she had a little sister who was learning to talk and she could chat with her! These two girls play baby dolls, barbies, cars, dinosaurs…… you name it and they play it together! Its very rare to see these two girls apart from each other.

They’re more than just sisters, they’re Best friends.

Photos are Property of Sarah’s Scenes, Real Life Photographer.

Couples Sessions Available! Book Now!

couples advertisement copy 1Use the “Contact Us” tab to book your session Now!



067 1 2 copy 056 2 2 2copyPhotos are Property of Sarah’s Scenes, Real Life Photographer.


Yellow Rain Coat

043 1Boy in Rain Jacket.

Note: There was strict parent supervision during the taking of this photo.

Photos are property of Sarah’s Scenes. Real Life Photographer.



What do ya’ll think? Color or Black-n-White?

Photos are Property of Sarah’s Scenes, Real Life Photographer.

Barred Rock

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Photos are Property of Sarah’s Scenes, Real Life Photographer.

Window Friends…

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Photos are Property of Sarah’s Scenes, Real Life Photographer.

Missy, seizing the opportunity

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Our cat, Missy, follows us every time we leave the house on a walk. She’s the sweetest thing! As I was doing photos with Naomi the other day along our driveway, Missy kept following, pausing only momentarily to check out a sudden movement in the woods that caught her eye. If I tried to squat down to her level she’d come running up to me and commence rubbing herself against my legs. So, I found a way to get at her level, without causing her to run up to me, so that I could get a nice photo of her. There’s a rather steep portion of our driveway, nearer the house. On our way down, she had her attention drawn to the woods, for a brief moment. I quickly turned around, did a half squat to get the right composition and level, and VWALLA! A beautiful portrait of our lovely guardian kitty.

Photo was shot with a Canon 5D body and 50mm f/1.8 lens.

Photos are Property of Sarah’s Scenes, Real Life Photographer.

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